A Court of Thorns and Roses| Book Review


A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Mass

Published: May 5th 2015

Publication: Bloomsbury Children’s

Pages: 416

Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance

Goodreads Rating: 4.30/5

My Rating: 4/5


When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin—one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.

As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow grows over the faerie lands, and Feyre must find a way to stop it… or doom Tamlin—and his world—forever.



This book gave me all the feelings-and didn’t miss the mixed appeal of moments where i didn’t know if i loved or hated it intensely.

So here we have Feyre, pushed in the dirt and only important member to her family because she’s their only source of survival. Honestly, they are a hunch of free loaders, and you can’t deny it if you’ve read it.

Long ago, her family had done well, until her dad invested a bunch of money on ships to journey on a death trap, which evidently sank and drowned the crew (literally), as well as the family in debt. Feyres family then fell into poverty, and soon after they lost her mother.

Her home life is anything but dream worthy; she admits if it wasnt for the vow she made to her mother on her death-bed, she would take off.

So when Feyre is taken away to the faerie estate, would you imagine, she wants to go back.

After killing a Fae, Feyre is hunted down and given a chose to be killed are brought back to live amoung the fae for her entire life. Like anyone, the latter is chosen, thus she is whisked off to fairy land for eternity.

This was my first problem with the book. They treated her like shit, and she even admitted she would leave, and even though its among the faeries, it’s way better than what she left. But still, this little fucker spent so much thinking and planning on escaping, it was annoying. I can understand wanting to keep the vow to her mom, but there’s a difference between wanting to go back to keep a vow than how it was portrayed. It’s all how you write it, so this was frustrating, but she does knock it off.

Honestly though, this book. This book was a ride. I guess since I took it slowly, but it doesn’t feel like just one book. It’s an entire reality, a packed series of events within 400 pages .

Feyre annoyed me, But i adore our guys here. Tamlin is the dream boat; beautiful, sweet, merciful. Your typical male protagonist. Lucien was a jackass., and its lovely; he and Feyres relationship development is my favorite thing. Just wait. OTP friendship.

What i love about this book was that even though, of course wrong things have happened, but everything goes un-frustratingly well. If I havent been in a book slump, I might think differently about this book- average writing and everything going dandy,but being in a slump where i havent finished a book since Throne of Glass (ironically a Sarah J Mass book) in October, i didn’t want to be emotionally invested in a book that would destroy everything inside me. To have everything tie up well was nice for once. I am more so over the worst possible scenario happening, especially as a conclusion.

I highly recommend it, possibly even just for that aspect. I dislike our main protag because she’s a frustrating, dumbass main lead, like most female protagonists, and she did have me physically slam by book shut and throw it with a growl of irritation. But even our secondary antagonist ive grown fond of (Rhys, guys, come on.)

Dude reminds me of that guy from  Tim Burtons Alice in wonderland who was the red queens lover, or something. I should know this, but you know who im talking about.

Our villain was any typical antagonist; a raging bitch that I disliked as a character, which isn’t such a good thing because I couldn’t admire her, even with her intentions come with a legitimate reason.

All in all, I think ill give it 4 stars. It wasn’t anything extraordinary in literary sense, but It was still lovely.

Now let me go on, with spoilers, so unless you’ve read the book or have no intentions on reading it and couldn’t care less, proceed. If not, I will see those of you later. Now go enjoy this book.






Really, it was nice everything worked out. I loathed the part where our protag and love interest escape the grasp of the evil queen, and have to spend the following sequels (if there is one) taking her down. To have her gone first shot was such a nice breath of fresh air you don’t even know.

It’s extremely cliché, and I’ll even admit a bit lame, that the antidote to all of this, is love. Really. You had to go there. But the twist it did add wasn’t something I suspected, and added more points for a thumbs up. Everything came together nicely, though cheesy, but they can’t all be perfect books.

The sex scene was childish, dare I say.

he feasted

You’re really using THAT WORD FOR THAT REALLY?

I did like Feyre mending split ends with her sister; I’m genuinely happy for the character to have had someone to talk to.

despite the ups and downs the critical writer and hopeless reader bash heads in war on deciding, I did enjoy this book, and even now,weeks later, it comes through my head.

4 thoughts on “A Court of Thorns and Roses| Book Review

  1. I found Fayre so annoying too. She made so many dumb decisions. And I really disliked her family too, at the beginning. Her older sister was so mean and cruel.

    Excited for ACOMAF though, it’ll be interesting to see where the story goes from here. Great review btw😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SO there is a sequel! I’m very excited to see what else happens, especially what else is bound to happen since the majority of things were concluded. Ugh i hated them too! That whole family was on my nerves. Haha thank you!


  2. I am really conflicted on whether or but I should read this book. Some people say it’s amazing and others say it’s crap! I need to decide soon before the sequel comes out and I get spoiled!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Read it! It’s probably conflicted because its typical for YA fiction, but it’s really enjoyable.

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