Writing Update| Camp NaNoWriMo- July 2016

Camp NaNoWriNo is only a few hours away so I’m going to give a writing update because I have no internet and every other post takes too much editing for my smartphone.

Can i just say, how is it July already? My coworkers and I were discussing it in disbelief today. I’m not even going to get started.

So the big question is, am I going to be working on my novel this Camp? Yes, and no. No because it isn’t my project, yes because I do plan on writing it.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been working on this book for almost 5 years. And even though I love it dearly, if I have to work on it during another NaNoWriMo I’ll scream. Plus theres much editing to be done. And i do want to kickstart my dream (and career) as a published author, emphasis on published. Kinda need a finished book for that. (I’m super excited to write the sequel anyways.shh.)

so i set it as a summer goal to finish it over the summer. Yes i know a months gone by and yes I’m completely aware i havent written anything. With a 100 pages or so left, and we havent gotten to the climax yet, I’m okay because once i start writing I’m not stopping.

I did, about two weeks ago, open the word document to start writing something. However, during NaNoWriMo last year, I was pulling ideas out from my ass and created an event that I set up in the last remaining hours of NaNoWriMo (because we all know i haven’t touched this thing since), and I don’t remember a thing. I forgot all about that scene, about creating it, about its sole purpose. Rendered bewildered, I walked around my house for an hour trying to recollect old thoughts before moving onto something   else. I was able to grasp the memory of creating it, but not the purpose. Sigh.

I will start working on it once more and carry on.

So whats my writing project?

About a year ago I got the idea for a play. Multiple Acts may be stitched on later, but for now it’s just one. It’s a cute idea and I fell in love (and even got a title!), but with the whole thing based on dialogue, it couldn’t be a novel. But a play is all about dialogue!

I always love expanding my reading and writing experiences, so this is perfect. I’m really excited.

As well, with this Camp NaNoWriMo, im doing another thing outside my normal writing habits, and that’s handwriting it.

Let’s do this thing.


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